
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Histame, a breakthrough formula offering hope to millions who suffer from food intolerance

It is estimated that up to 25% of the population suffers from food intolerance. Histamine-related food intolerance is an adverse reaction to foods rich in histamine due to a deficiency of the body's digestive enzyme DAO.
Effects can range from common digestive problems including abdominal pain and spasms, diarrhea, constipation and flatulence, to facial flushing, headaches, nasal congestion, skin rash and itching.
Histame is clinically shown to regulate exogenous histamine levels, elevated by food intake, which can cause food intolerance.

"Too many people live for years with the broad ranging discomforts associated with food intolerance without realizing what is causing their symptoms and that mystify their health care providers," said Dr. Marcus Laux, N.D., renowned naturopathic physician and leading authority on science-based natural medicines. "Clinical studies show that DAO allows regulation of exogenous histamine, unlike antihistamines which simply block it. This specific enzyme technology is a significant milestone in natural health advancement."

Histamine levels are naturally high in certain foods. Plus, the fresher the food, the lower the level of histamine, as histamine levels can increase with food storage. Bananas, pizza, tomatoes, chocolate, select cheese, processed and smoked meats, sausages, even coffee, wine and beer contain increased amounts of histamine. The higher the histamine levels in food, the greater the chances of triggering a reaction in those who are intolerant. In addition, common prescription and OTC drugs actually block the body's intestinal DAO enzymes from functioning properly.

It is important to recognize the difference between food intolerance and food allergy. Many food intolerances are confused with food allergies. They are not the same. A food allergy is an abnormal response to food, triggered by the body's immune system. A true allergic reaction can cause serious illness and in some cases even death.
In contrast, nonallergenic histamine food intolerance is mostly brought on by foods not processed properly in the intestinal tract. If you have a food allergy, it is extremely important that you work with your health care provider to find out what food(s) cause your allergic reactions.

You can find Histame at IHERB.COM 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Turkey Tail Mushroom: The Disease-Fighting, Immune-Boosting Fungus

When it comes to functional foods, the turkey tail mushroom, often called turkey tail fungus, may top the list. Named for the colorful fall-like palette of stripes it adorns that favor the plume of feathers on turkeys, turkey tail mushrooms have been brewed for thousands of years by the Chinese as medicinal teas, so it’s no secret to them just how amazing this beautiful mushroom is.
It’s been used as early as the 15th century during the Ming Dynasty in China. The Japanese, who reference it as kawaritake or “cloud mushrooms” due to an image of swirling clouds, have been well aware of the benefits of this super, power-filled mushroom, with researchers noting its health benefits, particularly in boosting the immune system. In fact, the cloud-like image symbolizes “longevity and health, spiritual attunement and infinity” to these Asian cultures. 
So what is this amazing fungus? If you’ve taken a hike in the woods, you’ve probably seen plenty of turkey tail mushrooms because they grow abundantly on dead and fallen trees, branches, and stumps. Given the description of bracket fungi, they form a wavy, thin, leather-like structure with concentric circles. Unlike shiitake mushrooms that have gills underneath the top, they contain tiny pores that release spores, making them a part of the polypore family. These mushrooms easily grow almost anywhere in the world as long as there are trees, making them one of the most common mushrooms found today.

Turkey Tail Mushroom Benefits
1. Prevents and Treats the Common Cold and Flu
The turkey tail mushroom has long been known to stave off any infection, including those associated with the common cold or flu. It helps your immune system become more resilient to ill-causing germs. When flu season approaches, you may want to include turkey tail as a supplement in your dietary routine. 
The turkey tail mushroom has been shown to modulate the immune system, helping fight infections, illness and diseases. 

2. Can Offer Support to Chemo Patients
Turkey tail mushrooms may help cancer patients who are going through chemotherapy. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has conducted clinical trials for a turkey tail extract to be consumed by patients who have advanced prostate cancer and are enduring conventional chemotherapy as well as testing how well it helps women with breast cancer in combination with a vaccine treatment in hopes of a new and better form of cancer therapy. Ultimately, since chemotherapy suppresses the immune system, the hope is that turkey tail mushroom builds the immune system up to better handle the weakness that chemo often causes. And a stronger immune system can help combat deadly cancer cells, making the turkey tail mushroom a potentially potent cancer-fighting food. 

3. May Combat Breast Cancer
A study published in Global Advances in Health and Medicine revealed that an 83-year-old woman who was diagnosed with advanced, metastatic inflammatory breast cancer led a disease-free life after using turkey tail mushroom. Though she continued chemotherapy use, she consumed capsules of turkey tail mushroom at the same time.
Scientists believe that the immune response of the turkey tail mushrooms boosted the woman’s immune system by recognizing the tumor, which increased the effectiveness of the chemotherapy. This is consistent with research that claims medicinal disease-fighting mushrooms like turkey tail, as well as maitake, reishi and Agaricus blazei, can be natural immune-enhancing and anticancer treatments. 

4. Helps Treat Human Papilloma Virus
Mushrooms, in particular the turkey tail mushroom, may help heal infections, such as the human papillomavirus (HPV). According to a study of 61 patients with gum disease testing positive for HPV, 88 percent of the 41 patients who received both turkey tail and reishi mushrooms showed positive results after only two months of treatment. 

5. Aids in Digestion
The mycelium in the mushroom is what may help you have a smoother digestion process when supplementing with turkey tail mushrooms. The mushroom contains perfect prebiotics that assist the microbiome. This means that it can help the growth of the good bacteria in the body, including acidophilus and bifidobacterium, which is even more beneficial for anyone suffering from leaky gut syndrome. And this better digestion could even help you lose weight. 

6. May Help Patients with HIV/AIDS
Studies reveal that the use of turkey tail mushroom, in conjunction with other wild medicinal East African mushrooms, may be useful in treating patients with Kaposi’s sarcoma, a skin cancer often affecting those with HIV/AIDS. The same product has also benefited patients with HIV/AIDS even without the sarcoma.
Turkey tail has antibacterial and antioxidant properties; therefore, an extract of the turkey tail mushroom may be helpful. This extract, called PSP, has been studied in vitro, noting it as an antiviral agent that may prevent the replication of the HIV virus.

How Does a Turkey Tail Mushroom Work?
A “renaissance mycologist” inventor and researcher by the name of Paul Stamets, Ph.D,  is well-known for his strong beliefs in the power of mushrooms, having authored six mushroom-related books and being awarded nine patents with more that are likely to come. Specifically, he has discovered nine antiviral molecules that are revealed through the mycelium of the mushroom as it rots the wood it has inhabited.
Turkey tail mushrooms work by providing a big boost to our immune systems. They contain B-glucans, polysaccharides, within the fungal cell walls. When eaten, these B-glucans provide receptors in the small intestine area that get the immune-boosting power in full force. This power puts the turkey tail mushroom in the adaptogen category. Adaptogen herbs work to resist numerous stress factors that we face daily, providing support to the immune system and stimulating energy levels. Usually, adaptogens are herbal compounds found in things like mushrooms, roots, berries, barks and leaves.

Furthermore, mushrooms are composed of compacted mycelium, the same noted by Dr. Stamets, and jam-packed with nutrition, such as polysaccharides, proteins, minerals, and vitamins B and D. They’re also low-fat. The mycelium structure is loaded with helpful enzymes, antimicrobial agents and antiviral compounds. In fact, this mycelium is more important than you may think by helping provide nutrient-dense soil, something our land is often lacking, which can help neutralize the toxins in our immune systems.  
There is a fractionated “drug” version of turkey tail, also called PSK or polysaccharide K. It’s extremely popular in Japan for its anticancer properties, but it cannot be legally sold in the U.S. However, the pure version of turkey tail that was used in a breast cancer study can be found at Fungi Perfecti under the label “Host Defense.” Because this turkey tail mycelium is in its pure form, it’s considered an FDA-approved nutraceutical, allowing it to be marketing as a supplement.

Due to its ability to help cancer patients, turkey tail is considered the one of the best researched mushrooms and sits right on top with other medicinal mushrooms, such as reishi, cordyceps and maitake. Many edible mushrooms contain selenium, vitamin D and vitamin B3, which is part of what makes them strong immune boosters, in addition to the nutrient-rich soil and decaying matter where they live. These mushrooms feed on this decaying matter and other living things, such as rotting logs, making them saprotrophs.
Mushrooms have been around medicinally as far back as Neolithic times. In fact, according to Spirit of Change Magazine, “The oldest human mummy, dating back 4,000 years ago, was found with Piptoporus betulinus in his medicine kit, a mushroom used for its antibiotic properties and as a natural parasite killer, still in use today.” 

Archaeologists have found evidence of mushrooms on Egyptian hieroglyphics noting the mushrooms as “the plant of immortality, called the ‘sons of the gods’ sent to Earth on lightning bolts and eaten only by nobles and pharaohs.” The Aztecs event kept mushrooms as sacred, consuming them in holy rituals. And as noted above, the Asian cultures have been keen to the turkey tail mushroom since the 15th century.

Final Thoughts on the Turkey Tail Mushroom
Research seems very strong in the area of the turkey tail mushroom and its ability to be a great cancer-fighting natural remedy and immune booster. These medicinal mushrooms have also been shown to prevent and treat the common cold and flu, offer support to chemotherapy patients, treat HPV and other infections, aid digestion, and even offer help to HIV/AIDS patience, in addition to potentially combatting cancer.

You can find Turkey Tail Mushroom supplements at IHERB.COM

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Sunday, February 12, 2017


Glutathione is recognized as the great protector. Without glutathione, each cell would become so ravaged by free radicals that it would disintegrate. A lack of glutathione would also negatively affect the liver and immune system. By fighting free radicals, glutathione supports the liver so it can carry out its job of detoxifying the body. Likewise, preventing free radical damage also helps promote a healthy immune system.

Our bodies obtain glutathione in two ways: from the foods we eat and from our own internal production. Because of the body’s ability to make glutathione, it is not considered an “essential” nutrient. Under some conditions, though, the body’s need for glutathione is outpaced by its ability to produce it.

Setria,L-Glutathione or Reduced Glutathione and is superior to other glutathione based on the following features:

Clinically studied to increase blood glutathione levels and support the immune system

A pure and safe material with an assay value of 99.0% – 101.0%
Produced by a patented, fermentation process
Contains no additives, artificial flavors or preservatives
Has no animal origin material (vegetarian)
Meets specification for the new USP monograph (USP)
Meets specification for The Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP)
No TSE/BSE risk
GMP-compliant manufacturing


How does Setria help your body fight free radicals?

Eating, exercising, even breathing results in the creation of free radicals. These imbalanced molecules attack your body at the cellular level, robbing other molecules of electrons and setting off a chain reaction. This constant barrage impacts overall health and wellness, as well as how quickly you age.Setria supplies a potent store of antioxidants that bind to free radicals, keeping them from wreaking havoc throughout your body.


Glutathione does more than simply fight free radicals on its own. This antioxidant also has the ability to regenerate other antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E. After these antioxidants neutralize free radicals, they become unstable radicals themselves. Glutathione helps recycle these unstable molecules, returning them to active duty.


How does Setria help eliminate toxins?*

Glutathione supports the function of your liver, kidneys, GI tract and intestines—your body’s major detoxification pathways.* Glutathione helps in two main ways:  it helps eliminate toxins and ingested chemicals that the body has already absorbed;it intercepts and neutralizes toxins in the GI tract before they are even absorbed.


How does Setria fortify your immune system?*

Glutathione helps fortify your immune system in two important ways. First and foremost, it plays a central role in the proper function of white blood cells, including T cell lymphocytes—the frontline soldiers of the immune system. Second, there is evidence that glutathione stimulates the natural killing ability 

of immune cells.

Skin Health

Setria is an ultra-pure glutathione manufactured in Japan that is backed by years of research. A high-quality, allergen-free ingredient, Setria is the perfect choice for dietary supplements and beauty products promising to deliver skin care benefits.

How does Setria Glutathione help protect against photo-aging?

UV rays penetrate deeply in to the dermis and can cause premature skin aging by damaging the collagen fibers. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that protects the collagen fibers from free radical damage to protect the elasticity of the skin.

How does Setria Glutathione reduce melanin production?

Exposure to UVB increases the number of melanocytes which leads to hyperpigmentation that darkens the skin. It has been reported that glutathione reduces melanin production by suppressing the activity of tyrosinase and switching the eumelanin synthesis to pheomelanin synthesis.


Your body’s natural glutathione levels fluctuate constantly throughout the day, are lowest in the morning and decrease as you age. Exposure to toxins, ingested and environmental chemicals and even things as healthy as exercise can all increase free radicals and ramp up your body’s need for glutathione.

Time of Day: According to researchers at Emory University, levels of glutathione vary over a 24-hour period, spiking about six hours after each meal and hitting their lowest point in the morning hours.

Age: Young, healthy people tend to have enough glutathione. However, glutathione levels start to decline at around age 45 and continue to decline until death.

Health Conditions: Glutathione status may be depleted by a variety of different health conditions.

Diet: The best dietary sources of glutathione are freshly prepared meats and fresh fruits and vegetables (both raw and cooked). Most processed foods have little to no glutathione.

Glutathione Antagonists: Some foods – such as cereals, bread, and dairy products – are not only lacking glutathione, they actually act as glutathione antagonists. Common beverages such as tea and coffee also contain glutathione -destroying compounds, although in lower concentrations.

Lifestyle Factors: Because cigarette smoking and excessive alcohol intake cause an increase in free radical production, both habits deplete glutathione levels.

Medications: Both prescription and over-the-counter drugs can lower glutathione status.

Weight: People who are overweight tend to have lower glutathione levels than those who are within normal weight range because excess fat is correlated with oxidative (free radical-induced) stress.


Consume sulfur-rich foods. The main ones in the diet are garlic, onions and the cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, collards, cabbage, cauliflower, watercress, etc.).

Exercise boosts your glutathione levels and thereby helps boost your immune system, improve detoxification and enhance your body’s own antioxidant defenses. Start slow and build up to 30 minutes a day of vigorous aerobic exercise like walking or jogging, or play various sports. Strength training for 20 minutes 3 times a week is also helpful.
Take Setria. Taken daily, it will help provide the Glutathione your body needs to keep your body healthy, boosting your performance and preventing disease and aging.

You can find Setria and other L Glutathione products  at IHERB.COM

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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Neprinol - Potent Strong Effective Systemic Enzyme

Cleaning Our Blood

The goal with systemic enzymes is to create a healthy blood flow by removing the excess fibrin which forms in the tissues, blood and throughout the body as we age - noticeably in our 40’s and 50’s since our natural production of enzymes decreases. Also for those of us who's digestion is not working optimally there may be large particles of protein floating in the blood, and systemic enzymes can break these down small enough to be filtered out. Fibrin and debris in the blood can clog arteries,  and lead to inflammatory conditions such as chronic pain, chronic fatigue, cardiovascular issues, autoimmune disorders, sclerosis and inflamed joints etc. This is the reason many adults are put on blood thinning medications.
Obviously it is not helpful if we are also eating the Standard American Diet; but in any case top quality systemic enzymes such as Neprinol can be very beneficial.

We have recently switched from Vitalzym to Neprionol which contains 10 times more active ingredients such as:
Nattokinase and Serrapeptase - These break down fibrin and are the most potent fibrin-degrading enzymes helping to reduce blood clots, unclump platelets and digest scar tissue.
Bromelain - Also helps reduce fibrin and increases the conversion of plasminogen into plasmin; but does not dissolve fibrin clumps that have already formed.
As the blood begins to thicken with age, our blood pressure can increase putting a strain on our arteries. Reducing the concentration of fibrinogen in the blood can lead to the reduction of arterial plaque and blood clots.
For this reason keeping our blood clean is vitally important to take the strain off the arteries and to improve circulation into the very tiny capillaries so that all the vitamins, minerals, stem cells and nourishment can more easily reach tissues needing healing and repair.

My Personal Experience

I have used a synergistic blend of systemic enzymes for 10 years now ever since I had my blood viewed live under a microscope. The clumping platelets and fibrin build up was quite significant and I was only 45 years old at that time with a diagnosis of pre-cancer of the liver. I started with many supplements including systemic enzymes to digest the debris and fibrin in my blood. Two months later, the microscopic view of my blood was significantly improved and I no longer had the pre-cancerous condtion. I did take triple the dosage of systemic enzymes at first to speed up the serious conditions I had at the time. My holistic medical doctor and I agreed upon this higher dosage as I was on the fast track to  heal a very ill body as I had been suffering with chronic fatigue, systemic candida and significant body pain for over twenty years. All a memory now !
I remember how revealing it was viewing my blood under that microscope as my doctor showed me the excess clumping of platelets, oxidative stress and the significant increase in fibrin tissue. As my blood values improved, symptoms were alleviated and I lowered the dosages of systemic enzymes.

Keeping The Blood Clean

I still continue to have my blood viewed every so often with the dark field analysis. Two winters ago I chose to stop the systemic enzymes and 6 months later the microscope revealed my platelets were beginning to clump slightly, so I have chosen to stay on a daily regime of a low dosage, 4 capsules in the early am. I am currently 55 years old and this is often needed at this age to maintain healthy fibrin levels.
Excess fibrin develops as we age. We are born with a finite amount of enzymes which digest and dissolve the fibrin naturally. If we have lived our life eating mostly plants (fruits and vegetables which contain rich sources of enzymes), and little animal products, we may have adequate enzymes to last us our entire lifetime.
Since most of us have lived on cooked and processed foods, the enzymes we were born with have been used up by our late 20’s. As we age the body’s ability to manufacture enzymes diminishes. However, when we consume raw plants and algae, these naturally contain enzymes to digest our meals which will support keeping the blood cleaner.

Clogged Arteries and Capillaries
Sclerosis or Fibrosis
Oxidative stress
The first thing systemic enzymes offer is the digestion of fibrin that may help with sclerosis or fibrosis which is hardening of bodily tissues and organs, clogged arteries and capillaries, oxidative stress, sticky platelets which often develop into pain and inflammation in the body. The goal is to improve blood viscosity so it more resembles a clear running brook as opposed to a swamp.
Nattokinase is one of these fibrin digesting enzymes derived from fermented soybeans enhancing the body’s ability to dissolve blood clots and maintain blood viscosity and cardiovascular health. Serrapeptase is a protein-degrading enzyme derived from a species of bacteria known as Serratia Mercesans originally found in the intestines of silkworms and is a  major enzyme with an anti-coagulating function necessary to dissolve arterial plaque and fibrin, breaking down blood clots as well. These two combined work remarkably well in a synergistic blend of bromelain, protease and lipase.

Why is Neprinol More Effective than other brands?

Neprinol starts off with at least 10 times more of these fibrinolytic enzymes than any other brand we have looked at. Two of these enzymes are nattokinase and serrapeptase.

Neprinol contains a potent synergistic blend of…
  • Serrapeptase- breaks down blood clots and arterial plaque
  • Nattokinase- maintains blood viscosity and cardiovascular health
  • Lipase- digests fat in the blood stream and converts it to energy
  • Protease- supports a healthy immune system
  • Amla- maintains normal acid and pH balance in nerves, brain and hair           tonic
  • Papain- expedites healing of bruises and tissue injuries
  • Bromelain- helps maintain healthy skin
  • Rutin- builds strong capillaries and connective tissue
  • Coenzyme Q10
  • Magnesium

Systemic Enzymes are used for ~
  • Digesting debris from the cardiovascular system
  • Unclumping platelets
  • Reducing chronic Pain
  • Arthritis – Fibromyalgia
  • Sclerosis
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Cleaning debris in the blood
  • Liver function
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • Scar Tissue
  • Clogged arteries – poor blood circulation
  • Post – Operative Scarring
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Joint Function
  • Fibrosis of organs

What Else Can I do To Cleanse My Blood?

Plants naturally contain enzymes. When we eat them, they digest easily because they contain their own enzymes. When we eat raw vegetables and some fruits, the digestive organs i.e. liver, gall bladder, kidneys and intestines are not put under stress as they are when we eat meat, poultry, dairy and the like. This is why eating more vegetarian meals is recommended.

How much to use is a personal decision.
Depending on age and health conditions everyone’s dosing is a little bit different.
Consider discussing the following with your healthcare expert.

For some people, starting with 3 capsules 3x per day or 5 capsules 3x a day, for one or two months (depending on the recommendation of your nutritional consultant) has been quite effective to reduce the fibrin tissue and clean the blood and unstick the platelets. Once symptoms improve dosages are reduced and eventually as low as a few capsules daily are taken for maintenance.
Other people choose to start slowly with 2 capsules 2x a day and then build up to higher dosages. The older generation usually have more cardiovascular issues and more fibrin and debris in the blood especially those who have been eating sugary diets, animal based diets and less raw fruits and vegetables.