
Saturday, April 1, 2017

Health Benefits of Resveratrol Supplements

If you’ve heard that red wine can help lower cholesterol, chances are you’ve heard of resveratrol — the much-hyped plant compound found in red wine.
But beyond being a healthful part of red wine and other foods, resveratrol has health-boosting potential in its own right.
In fact, resveratrol supplements have been linked to many exciting health benefits, including protecting brain function and lowering blood pressure .
This article explains what you need to know about resveratrol, including seven of its main potential health benefits.
Wine Bottle Wine Glass Grapes

What Is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is a plant compound that acts like an antioxidant. The top food sources include red wine, grapes, some berries and peanuts .
This compound tends to be concentrated mostly in the skins and seeds of grapes and berries. These parts of the grape are included in the fermentation of red wine, hence its particularly high concentration of resveratrol .
However, much of the research on resveratrol has been done in animals and test tubes using high amounts of the compound .
Of the limited research in humans, most has focused on supplemental forms of the compound, in concentrations higher than those you could get through food .

1. Resveratrol Supplements May Help Lower Blood Pressure

Heart and Blood Pressure Measurement
Because of its antioxidant properties, resveratrol could be a promising supplement for lowering blood pressure .
A 2015 review concluded that high doses may help reduce the pressure exerted on artery walls when the heart beats.
That type of pressure is called systolic blood pressure, and appears as the upper number in blood pressure readings.
Systolic blood pressure typically goes up with age, as arteries stiffen. When high, it’s a risk factor for heart disease.
Resveratrol may accomplish this blood-pressure-lowering effect by helping to produce more nitric oxide, which causes blood vessels to relax .
However, the authors of that study say more research is needed before specific recommendations can be made about the best dose of resveratrol to maximize blood pressure benefits.

2. It Has a Positive Effect on Blood Fats

Several studies in animals have suggested that resveratrol supplements may change blood fats in a healthy way .
A 2016 study fed mice a high-protein, high-polyunsaturated fat diet and also gave them resveratrol supplements.
Researchers found the average total cholesterol levels and body weight of the mice decreased, and their levels of “good” HDL cholesterol increased .
Resveratrol seems to influence cholesterol levels by reducing the effect of an enzyme that controls cholesterol production .
As an antioxidant, it also may decrease the oxidation of “bad” LDL cholesterol. LDL oxidation contributes to plaque buildup in artery walls .
In one study, participants were given grape extract that had been boosted with extra resveratrol.
After six months of treatment, their LDL had gone down by 4.5% and their oxidized LDL had gone down by 20% compared to participants who took an unenriched grape extract or a placebo.

3. It Lengthens Lifespan in Certain Animals

Five Herb Capsules
The compound’s ability to extend lifespan in different organisms has become a major area of research .
There’s evidence that resveratrol activates certain genes that ward off the diseases of aging .
It works to achieve this in the same way as calorie restriction, which has shown promise in lengthening lifespans by changing how genes express themselves .
However, it’s not clear if the compound would have a similar effect in humans.
A review of studies exploring this connection found that resveratrol increased lifespan in 60% of the organisms studied, but the effect was strongest in organisms that were less related to humans, such as worms and fish .

4. It Protects the Brain

Several studies have suggested that drinking red wine can help slow down age-related cognitive decline .
This may partly be due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of resveratrol.
It seems to interfere with protein fragments called beta-amyloids, which are crucial to forming the plaques that are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease .
Additionally, the compound may set off a chain of events that protects brain cells from damage .
While this research is intriguing, scientists still have questions about how well the human body is able to make use of supplemental resveratrol, which limits its immediate use as a supplement to protect the brain .

5. It May Increase Insulin Sensitivity

Glass of Red Wine
Resveratrol has been shown to have several benefits for diabetes, at least in animal studies.
These benefits include increasing insulin sensitivity and preventing complications from diabetes .
One explanation for how resveratrol works is that it may stop a certain enzyme from turning glucose into sorbitol, a sugar alcohol.
When too much sorbitol builds up in people with diabetes, it can create cell-damaging oxidative stress .
Here are a few more benefits resveratrol may have for people with diabetes :
  • May protect against oxidative stress: Its antioxidant action may help protect against oxidative stress, which causes some of the complications of diabetes.
  • Helps decrease inflammation: Resveratrol is thought to lessen inflammation, a key contributor to chronic diseases, including diabetes.
  • Activates AMPK: This is a protein that helps the body metabolize glucose. Activated AMPK helps keep blood sugar levels low.
Resveratrol may even provide more benefits for people with diabetes than those who don’t have it. In one animal study, red wine and resveratrol were actually more effective antioxidants in rats with diabetes than in rats who didn’t have it .
Researchers say the compound could be used to treat diabetes and its complications in the future, but more research is needed.

6. It May Ease Joint Pain

Arthritis is a common affliction that leads to joint pain and loss of mobility .
Plant-based supplements are being studied as a way to treat and prevent joint pain. When taken as a supplement, resveratrol may help protect cartilage from deteriorating .
Cartilage breakdown can cause joint pain and is one of the main symptoms of arthritis.
One study injected resveratrol into the knee joints of rabbits with arthritis and found that these rabbits suffered less damage to their cartilage .
Other research in test tubes and animals has suggested that the compound has potential to reduce inflammation and prevent damage to joints .

7. Resveratrol May Suppress Cancer Cells

Bottle of Capsules
Resveratrol has been studied, especially in test tubes, for its ability to prevent and treat cancer. However, results have been mixed .
In animal and test-tube studies, it has been shown to fight several kinds of cancer cells, including gastric, colon, skin, breast and prostate .
Here’s how resveratrol may combat cancer cells:
  • It may inhibit cancer cell growth: It may prevent cancer cells from replicating and spreading .
  • Resveratrol may change gene expression: It can change the gene expression in cancer cells to inhibit their growth .
  • It can have hormonal effects: Resveratrol may interfere with the way certain hormones are expressed, which may keep hormone-dependent cancers from spreading .
However, since the studies so far have been carried out in test tubes and animals, much more research is needed to see if and how this compound might be used for human cancer therapy.

Risks and Concerns Regarding Resveratrol Supplements

Bottle Of Supplements On Side With Some Capsules Poured Out
No major risks have been revealed in studies that have used resveratrol supplements. Healthy people seem to tolerate them well .
However, it should be noted that there aren’t enough conclusive recommendations about how much resveratrol a person should take in order to get health benefits.
And there are some cautions, especially regarding how resveratrol could interact with other medications.
Since high doses have been shown to stop blood from clotting in test tubes, it’s possible it could increase bleeding or bruising when taken with anti-clotting drugs, such as heparin or warfarin, or some pain relievers .
Resveratrol also blocks some enzymes that help clear certain compounds from the body. That means some medications could build up to unsafe levels. These include certain blood pressure medications, anxiety meds and immunosuppressants .
If you currently use medications, then you may want to check with a doctor before trying resveratrol.
Lastly, it’s widely debated how much resveratrol the body can actually use from supplements and other sources .
However, researchers are studying ways of making resveratrol easier for the body to use .

The Bottom Line

Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant with great potential.
It’s shown promise regarding a variety of health conditions, including heart disease and arthritis. However, clear dosage guidance is still lacking.

You can find Resveratrol at

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Delicious Gluten Free Recipes

About a month ago I was pretty sick for a few weeks. The only way I can describe the illness was this: the worst morning sickness you've ever felt, but you're not actually pregnant. Sounds horrible right? Because if I'm going to be nauseous and miserable for a couple weeks straight, I'd at least like the reward of knowing I'm growing a baby, but alas, no baby. 

I finally decided to go see someone about my illness, and it was decided that I was either gluten intolerant, or my body just didn't want gluten for a few weeks. We'd decided for me to go off of it for thirty days to see what happened, and then I could reintroduce it into my diet after thirty days and if I got sick again, no more gluten forever, and if I was fine, my body just needed a break.

I lasted an entire two weeks because I'm weak and can't do diets or fasts, but the two weeks was enough time for my body, and gut to heal, and I haven't been sick since reintroducing gluten. It was a relief to know it wasn't a permanent thing, and I feel so much better than I had just a few weeks ago. 

While I was going through my gluten free period, reached out to me wanting to know if I wanted to try their service, and their products, to which I gladly said yes. They're an online marketplace for all natural, organic, gluten free, and even vegan food products. Basically anything that you would pick up at your local health food store, they have for you on their website. The fun doesn't stop there though, because they also have an extensive inventory of beauty, baby, sports, and vitamin products. 

My favorite part about their site is the customer loyalty program. Whatever amount of money you spend on your first order, they give you 5% of that off your next order.  It's awesome because most of the items that you'd purchase from are things that you'd need on a regualr basis, and so it's nice to know that you're consistently getting that discount. 

When I ordered my products from them, I chose things that would help me get a mini gluten free pantry going, so that I could keep eating and making yummy things while I was going through this cleanse. I wound up finding a lot of things that I loved to eat, but here are three recipes that I loved the most. 

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies:
I made these cookies with the same recipe that I use for my normal chocolate chip cookies, but swapped out the normal flour for the Bob's Red Mill 1-for-1 Gluten Free Flour. They tasted amazing, and I even gifted them to someone else who was gluten free, and they said that they were the best gluten free cookies she'd ever eaten. I also fed them to three other people who didn't know they were gluten free, and they were never any wiser. So I'll take that as a win. I also used the Enjoy Life vegan, dairy, and gluten free semi-sweet mini chocolate chips, and they were just pure perfection. 

1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups Bob's Red Mill 1-for-1 Gluten Free Flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp hot water
1 cup chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350°. In the bowl of a stand mixer with the paddle attachment, cream together the butter and sugars. Add in the egg, mix until combined, and then the vanilla. Dissolve the baking soda into the hot water and then add it to the mixture. Mix in the flour until just combined, and then add the chocolate chips. Place cookies 2 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet, using a rounded tablespoon scoop and rolling into balls. Bake for 10-13 minutes until golden brown. Mine took about 12 in my oven. Cool on pan for 2 minutes before transferring to wire rack.

Chicken and Rice Soup
This is one of my all time favorite recipes in the winter, but I usually make it with noodles instead of rice. I made the swap for this recipe, and used the Edward & Son's Not Chick'N vegan and gluten free bouillon cubes and the soup turned out perfectly. I'll definitely be making this again.

2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
8 cups of water
3 large carrots, diced
3 celery stalks, diced
2 cups instant rice

Add all ingredients except for the rice to your slow cooker. Cook on low for 4 hours. When the chicken is cooked all the way through, shred it, and then add it back to the pot with the instant rice. Let it all cook together for another 10 minutes, until the rice is cooked all the way through, and then serve. 

Gluten Free Granola Bowl:
This one is pretty self explanatory, but there was gluten hiding in the granola that we were previously using, so I grabbed a bag of the Bear Naked Cacao and Cashew Butter Granola, and would have that on top of some vanilla yogurt each morning, and some berries on top, and it was by far my favorite way to start the day. 

Facts About Animal Pak Supplements

The Animal Pak dietary supplement is a product manufactured by Universal Nutrition, a sports nutrition company founded in 1977. Animal Pak is "your nutritional insurance," according to the company, meaning that it is a nutritional supplement designed to provide all of the nutrients that athletes, bodybuilders in particular, need to maintain proper health. Despite the potential benefits, you should consult a doctor prior to using this or any other supplements.

History and Recognition

Animal Pak was introduced in 1983, and was voted multivitamin of the year in's Supplement Awards from 2005 to 2010.

Intended Use

According to the official website for Animal Pak, this supplement should be taken once daily, unless you are dieting for a bodybuilding contest or training more intensely than usual, in which case Universal recommends two daily doses. Potential beneficiaries of Animal Pak include power and strength athletes, or those engaging in high-intensity training.

Nutrition Facts

Animal Pak provides 40 calories per serving, with 4 g of carbohydrates, 2 g of which come from fiber, and 6 g of protein.

Vitamin and Mineral Content

Animal Pak provides large doses of numerous vitamins and minerals, including 900 times the recommended daily intake of vitamin B-6, more than 500 times the RDA for thiamin, nearly 200 times the RDA for vitamin C, and 100 times the RDA for vitamin E.

Amino Acid Complex

Animal Pak provides all of the essential amino acids, or EAAs, and the branched-chain amino acids, or BCAAs, which are building blocks of protein that may enhance athletic activity. A study published in the March 2011 issue of "The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness" found that BCAA supplementation could improve endurance and increase the amount of fat your body burns for fuel during exercise.

Performance Complex

Animal Pak contains a performance complex that includes a number of herbal ingredients, such as milk thistle, ginseng and inositol. These ingredients may support intense athletic endeavors, as research from the March 2011 edition of "The American Journal of Chinese Medicine" found ginseng to be effective in reducing muscle damage associated with hill running.

Antioxidant Complex

Animal Pak provides several antioxidant ingredients, such as lycopene, alpha lipoic acid and coenzyme Q10. Antioxidants protect your body from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are produced by bodily stresses, such as exercise.

Digestive Enzyme Complex

If you engage in intense training, you will burn a lot of calories, which means you'll need to eat more to support your activity. If you are not used to eating so much, you may experience digestive discomfort, which makes the addition of enzymes such as lipase, inulin and papain potentially beneficial.

You can BUY Animal Pak at IHERB.COM

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Health Benefits of Psyllium

What is psyllium?

Psyllium is a form of fiber made from the husks of the Plantago ovata plant’s seeds. It sometimes goes by the name ispaghula.
It’s most commonly known as a laxative. However, research shows that taking psyllium is beneficial to many parts of the human body, including the heart and the pancreas.

Your bathroom buddy

Psyllium is a bulk-forming laxative. This means it soaks up water in your gut and makes bowel movements much easier. It also helps promote regularity without increasing flatulence. It can be used as a one-off to ease constipation, or it can be added to your diet to help promote regularity and overall digestive health.
People with irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease are all too familiar with the banes of the bathroom. The results of studies on psyllium’s effectiveness in treating these conditions are still mixed.
Some research has shown that consuming 7.9 grams of psyllium per day (+/- 3.6 grams) with probiotics is a safe and effective way to treat Crohn’s disease. However, other results show soluble fiber like psyllium can make symptoms worse for some people.
Besides keeping your bowel movements regular and managing a chronic condition, psyllium has the ability to soften your stool. This can come in handy with short-term ailments, such as constipation. Used in this way, it can prevent complications of constipation, such as hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
Preliminary research shows that psyllium may help the painful symptoms associated with these conditions. Since there is no real scientific consensus, talk to your doctor to see if psyllium could help you.

Heart health

Research has shown that taking soluble fiber can help people manage their cholesterol levels. Proper cholesterol regulation is important for everyone, but vital for people over the age of 50. One study shows that at least 6 weeks of daily psyllium intake is an effective way for people who are obese or overweight to lower their cholesterol with very few side effects.
If you’ve been told that you need to watch your cholesterol, ask your doctor if adding psyllium to a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet will help you.
High cholesterol is merely one way a bad diet can affect your heart. Numerous studies have shown that fiber like psyllium, taken as part of a healthy diet, can help lower a person’s risk of heart disease. Psyllium can affect your heart by lowering blood pressure, improving lipid levels, and strengthening heart muscle.
Watching your weight
Maintaining a healthy weight is a concern for many people, especially those with a chronic condition like diabetes. Besides being good for your heart and blood sugar levels, psyllium may help you lose weight.
Because psyllium absorbs liquid in your body, it can help give you a feeling of being full. This can help you control the amount of food you eat. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of taking psyllium if they have suggested you lose weight.


People with diabetes are constantly watching their diet to maintain a healthy balance of insulin and blood sugar (glucose). Some research has suggested that fibers like psyllium can help people maintain a healthy glycemic balance.

One study found that taking 5 grams of psyllium twice a day can help patients with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar. Another study of men with type 2 diabetes found similar results, but stressed that psyllium therapy should be tailored to the individual.

How can I get psyllium?

Psyllium is most commonly consumed in powder or wafer form. It is also available in capsules, granules, and in liquid form. It is the main ingredient in many over-the-counter laxatives
Follow the directions on packaging, and remember that a key component of psyllium’s work in your lower intestine is its ability to soak up liquid, so make sure to drink plenty of water daily. 
You can find Psyllium Husk products at IHERB.COM