
Sunday, April 16, 2017

Get Hard In The Gym & Bedroom by Using Yohimbine

It pretty much goes without saying that men get in shape to attract a mate. Thus, men will do just about anything to get rock-hard abs. Hundreds of supplements on the market cater to the sex-hunting dieter. When he succeeds in attracting his mate, he also needs to be able to get rock-hard to please his partner. It’s common knowledge that if you have trouble getting rock-hard, there are drugs like Viagra or Cialis that will more than likely help. When these don’t work or he just can’t get the drugs, he needs to head out to the local GNC and pick up some yohimbine.

What is Yohimbine?
Yohimbine is a stimulant with diverse effects on the central nervous system and on tissues throughout your body. Yohimbine acts through blocking alpha-2 adrenergic receptors. You might say, “Blocking? But I thought yohimbine was a stimulant.” Alpha-2 adrenergic receptors actually block the release of stimulatory chemicals like noradrenaline (norepinephrine) at nerve endings. Thus, it is an inhibitor of a receptor that blocks stimulation. Get it? A double negative leads to a stimulant effect. Yohimbine’s actions on the central nervous system are so strong that it is used to induce anxiety attacks by psychiatrists to study cognitive behavioral therapy. However, yohimbine’s effects on the body make it very useful for the horny bodybuilder.

Yohimbine is utilized in two types of supplements: fat burners and “male performance enhancers.” Perhaps the most popular are the fat-burning supplements, as these are used by both men and women. Yohimbine has a stimulant effect that helps mobilize fat from its stores. When combined with other stimulants, yohimbine can have a synergistic (greater than just additive) effect. This is why yohimbine is often found in combination supplements with stimulants like caffeine and synephrine.

The Research
Laboratory studies performed in the ‘80s and ‘90s demonstrated that the activation of alpha-2 adrenergic receptors inhibited the release of fat from storage.1 Similarly, studies showed that estrogen caused subcutaneous storage of fat by increasing the number of alpha-2 adrenergic receptors in fat cells.2 Subsequently, it was theorized that inhibition of alpha-2 adrenergic receptors by supplementation with yohimbine could help mobilize and burn fat from storage.

A human study on yohimbine performed in 1988 provided subjects with a dose of 0.2 milligrams per kilogram of bodyweight and observed its effects on fat release from storage.3 This study demonstrated that yohimbine mobilized fats in the fasting state, which was reinforced by exercise, but its action was abolished by eating a meal. Interestingly, even at this relatively high dose of yohimbine, it did not cause a significant elevation in heart rate or blood pressure.

Follow-up studies examined if the stimulant and fat-mobilizing effects of yohimbine might improve athletic performance. In a study using male soccer players, a dose of 20 milligrams daily for three weeks failed to improve muscle mass, strength or exercise performance.4 However, the soccer players did lose a significant amount of body fat during the three-week trial. Perhaps yohimbine’s stimulant effect affects another type of performance?

Yohimbine has been used for its presumed aphrodisiac properties for centuries, and science gives this some merit. In order to achieve erection, there is a complex interaction between the central nervous system (your brain) and the blood vessels in the penis. If you are psychologically stressed out or you have blood flow problems, you are likely to experience erectile dysfunction. Viagra is a drug that increases nitric oxide in the penis, resulting in more blood flow to produce an erection. Unfortunately, Viagra doesn’t work for everybody.

Alpha-2 adrenergic receptor stimulation on nerves in the penis results in an inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis and release.5 Thus, yohimbine has the potential to increase nitric oxide in the penis and potentiate the actions of Viagra by inhibiting those receptors. The erection-producing effects of both Viagra and yohimbine on penile tissue has been confirmed in recent laboratory studies.6

However, scientists believe that yohimbine has an even stronger effect centrally— that is, on the brain. Animal studies consistently demonstrate that yohimbine increases sexual motivation and the pleasure centers of the brain that lead to erection.7 Yohimbine is able to increase arousal and potency in rats placed in a stressful situation (immersion into cold water; talk about taking a cold shower).6 Furthermore, the combination of Viagra and yohimbine appears to be synergistic in its central nervous system effects and peripheral actions, thus improving sexual performance.

Yohimbine is a relatively safe supplement, but some must take precautions. If you are on medications such as amphetamines for ADHD or anti-seizure medications, you should avoid yohimbine. Because of yohimbine’s strong central nervous system effects, high doses can cause impulsivity and drug-seeking behaviors.8 High doses can potentially cause high blood pressure and heart problems, especially if taken with other stimulants.

The Bottom Line
In summary, yohimbine is capable of getting your body hard in more ways than one. Used in moderation, yohimbine may help you burn more fat and make your body more attractive to your mate. If you are so lucky as to “score,” yohimbine can help ensure you are ready to perform.

You can find Yohimbine supplements at

You can take 5$ OFF your order by following this link:

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1. Galitzky J, et al. Role of vascular alpha-2 adrenoceptors in regulating lipid mobilization from human adipose tissue. J Clin Invest 1993; May;91(5):1997-2003.
2. Pedersen SB, et al. Estrogen controls lipolysis by up-regulating alpha2A-adrenergic receptors directly in human adipose tissue through the estrogen receptor alpha. Implications for the female fat distribution. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2004; Apr;89(4):1869-78.
3. Galitzky J, et al. Alpha 2-antagonist compounds and lipid mobilization: evidence for a lipid mobilizing effect of oral yohimbine in healthy male volunteers. Eur J Clin Invest 1988; Dec;18(6):587-94.
4. Ostojic SM. Yohimbine: the effects on body composition and exercise performance in soccer players. Res Sports Med 2006; Oct-Dec;14(4):289-99.
5. Saenz de Tejada I, et al. Regulation of pre-synaptic alpha adrenergic activity in the corpus cavernosum. Int J Impot Res 2000; Mar;12 Suppl 1:S20-25.
6. Saad MA, et al. Potential effects of yohimbine and sildenafil on erectile dysfunction in rats. Eur J Pharmacol 2012; Dec 27;700(1-3):127-133.
7. Senbel AM, Mostafa T. Yohimbine enhances the effect of sildenafil on erectile process in rats. Int J Impot Res 2008; Jul-Aug;20(4):409-17.

8. Campbell AT, et al. Effect of yohimbine stress on reacquisition of oxycodone seeking in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2012; Jul;222(2):247-55.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Heart health supplements

Heart health supplements: Which ones really work

First, let's set it straight. Heart health supplements are special extracts from plants and animals which are consumed in much higher quantities, than they could ever be acquired through regular diet.
On the other hand, herbs are pure extracts of mother nature in its natural form, such as hawthorn and garlic
Good example of supplements are fish oil, DIM or creatine.
Now, when we said that, we can continue. 
Supplements have some qualities that herbs lack and vice versa.
On the other hand, supplements for heart disease are often much stronger than the herbs because of which caution should be advised while using some of them, especially if you are already taking prescription drugs.


Most of these heart disease supplements, are strong antioxidants. They can neutralize free radicals, regenerate other antioxidants (ALA) and reduce the risk of inflammation thereby preventing tissue damage. 
Others may improve heart function (Coenzyme Q10), lipid levels (Fish oil) or hormonal balance (Vitamin D and DIM).


Fish oil supplements are the second most sold supplements in the world, right next to the multivitamin. They can lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, raise HDL cholesterol, stabilize blood clotting mechanisms, reduce blood pressure and the risk of heart attack.
While buying fish oil supplements, you have to take in a considiration the purity, potency and place of origin.

Coenzyme Q10 is fat-soluble, vitamin like substance found in mitochondria, where it is used for production of ATP. ATP is a molecule which carries energy for heart function. It has been proven connection between lack of coenzyme Q10 and heart disease.
Levels of this antioxidant diminish with age. It is also, one of the two best supplements for heart disease since it may improve ejection fraction of the heart muscle.

Acetyl l carnitine is an amino acid which is naturally produced in the body. It is more bioavailable and more useful than L-carnitine.

It is one of those heart health supplements which is also great for the brain function since it can cross the blood-brain barier. Heart muscle tends to be particularly vulnerable to carnitine deficiency because of its high energy requirements. 

Alpha lipoic acid or ALA is fatty acid found inside every cell in our body. It is a powerful antioxidant that regenerates other antioxidants.

It is one of heart disease supplements which is also great for the liver and blood sugar control. However, its true power comes from the ability to regenerate other antioxidants, in the body.

ALA and carnitine supplements are more suited for people above the age of 40. 

Lycopene is another great antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables but is mostly consumed via tomatoes and tomato based products. In one study,women with the highest concentrations of lycopene in their blood, had 50 % reduced risk of heart disease.

Because of this study, it has gained a lot of attention. It has become one of the most interesting heart health supplements.

Astaxanthin is a carotenoid like lycopene, something like lycopene's big brother but it is much stonger antioxidant. Unlike some carotenoids, it is not converted to vitamin A which can be toxic, in high concentrations.
Astaxanthin reduces arterial plaque formation, protects cells from oxidative damage and the skin from UV light. It may even help increase endurance and reduce the risk of hypertension and stroke.

Vitamin D is a special kind of vitamin which is actually a hormone. It is also the only kind of vitamin, you should take as a supplement. All other vitamins you can get from foods, even if your diet is not the most healthiest. Although it is found in some foods, the amount is very small.
Only real sources of vitamin D, are the sun and the supplements. That being said, the list of benefits is getting bigger every day, includingvitamin D benefits for treating heart disease.

Salicin is natural compound found in higher quantities, in several herbs. It is metabolised into salicylic acid, in the stomach which is also found in aspirin.
Salicin is natural blood thinner and anti-inflammatory compound which can be used in treatment of heart disease. However, it is most effective for lowering the risk of heart attack, by reducing formation of blood clots.

Diindolylmethane or simply DIM is one of those supplements which can be extremly helpful, if heart disease was caused by unbalanced sex hormones. By improving testosterone to estrogen ratio, heart function also improves. However, diindolylmethane benefits don't stop there. 

Taking few of these heart health supplements together with the most useful supplement for heart disease, fish oil, can have more stronger effect.


I tried a lot of supplements, before I found couple of them that really work for me. During that time, I always searched for online web store with whom I could save few bucks. 
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First of all, same as with herbs, food and healthy diet are the foundation of your heart disease treatment. After you establish healthy eating habits, you can consider about adding supplements to your diet.

If you ask me which supplements are the most effective for treating heart disease, I would say fish oil, alongside Coenzyme Q10. Although other heart disease supplements can help, they still aren't the first choice for treating heart disease.

Only exception would be vitamin D3 and DIM. Vitamin D3 may lower blood pressure due to its effect on renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, while diindolylmethane may have positive effect on the heart function, by improving T to E ratio. 
Before taking any of these heart health supplements consult with your doctor, for possible side effects or interactions.

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Thursday, April 13, 2017

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