
Thursday, July 21, 2022

Top 5 best vitamins for Women, Men, Older Adults

Multivitamins iHerb

In today’s world, you need to take the best multivitamins from iHerb to maintain your health. Our lifestyle, the quality of our diet does not allow us to get all the necessary substances and minerals for our body. It’s just worth thinking that the average person’s diet is dominated by carbohydrates, and light ones. And vegetables are completely lacking. There are almost no vitamins in the floury, wheat products that we need. Even if you eat vegetables, they should be varied, and your plate with food as bright and colorful. It is desirable that the predominant color is green, because these are the greens, and red – peppers, pomegranates, tomatoes, etc. Unfortunately not everyone can afford to eat right, so give their choice to snack on buns or McDonald’s. In this case, multivitamins come to the rescue.

How to choose vitamins from Iherb

According to the rules, of course, it is desirable to take tests and find out what exactly you lack. But not everyone has such an opportunity, because you will have to pay a lot of money in the laboratory – nowadays it costs several thousand, if not more, to take a blood test and check all the microelements in the body. So manufacturers have invented a vitamin complex with such dosages, to make up for the lack of substances and at the same time not to do harm. Unfortunately, on the domestic market multivitamins are not much, and almost all of them with low dosages, or with minerals that are not in digestible form. So the effect of taking them you are unlikely to feel. Many girls, taking domestic vitamins for hair, such as Perfectil, experienced nausea and malaise. Or they quit drinking because they did not see any effect. It is worth noting that the prices of drugs that are sold in our pharmacies are very high. And it is not clear what to pay for. On Iherb you can buy a drug with a much better composition and cheaper price.

On the site of Iherb, there are only the highest quality products. The dosages are chosen correctly, the range is awesome, and the prices are low. Millions of customers are convinced of this. The rating of the best multivitamins from Iherb will help you decide on the choice.

Top 5 best vitamin complexes from Iherb

Life Extension Two-Per-Day


This complex can be considered the best choice to make up for all your deficiencies. It consists of vitamins A, C, the whole spectrum of the B group in correct, and most importantly working doses. Vitamin D3 – 2000 IU, iodine, selenium, chromium, inositol and more will help the body feel much better. Our family and acquaintances take this complex 2 times a year and see the results not only in feeling, but also in tests. By the way, if you are looking for a working vitamin for hair loss, then Life Extension Two-Per-Day is an excellent choice, because it contains biotin 300 mcg, zinc 25 mg in the form of zinc citrate, which is very important. Your body will hardly absorb zinc oxide. By the way, there is also a One-Per-Day version. It is suitable for those who are comfortable to drink one capsule a day. Their composition is identical. This drug from Life Extension costs about 20$ for 2 months without discounts. But with promo code FIW102, you can buy it for 30% or even 50% cheaper.

Thorne Research basic nutrients 2/day

best multivitamins iherb

The manufacturer has developed a formula that supports the body every day, making up for all body deficiencies, as well as helping the heart, intestines, brain and nervous system. Reviews of the vitamins are positive. Many people note that they began to feel calmer and more vigorous, the strength is more. And it is not surprising, because the composition of the substance only in working doses and mainly in chelate forms. Namely micronutrients in chelated form are assimilated the best. The complex will also help those who want to maintain their sight, because it contains lutein 140 mcg. There is also vitamin K, which is rarely found in complexes. It is very necessary when taking vitamin D. This product would be in first place if it were not for the price of $35 for 60 capsules, which is enough for a month of taking it. If you can afford it, basic nutrients are worth buying.

Nature’s Way, Alive!

This brand has many different multivitamin lines for women, men, children, and the elderly. It doesn’t have as many B vitamins, but it does have a heart blend of rhinutria and hawthorn extract, a citrus bioflavonoid complex, spirulina, brown algae, alfalfa, digestive enzymes, a hair, skin and nail health complex and much more. The composition is just great. Suitable for long term intake, since it contains more natural herbs, berries than synthetic pills. Price from $ 13 for 60 pills, which is enough for 2 months of taking. Excellent working complex, reviews about it are positive.

NATURELO One Daily Multivitamin

A very reliable brand of Buds, one of the best in the United States. Eicherb vitamins are suitable for those who have made up all their deficiencies and want to support their bodies on a daily basis. The dosages here are minimal, but they are enough to help the heart, kidneys, eyes, nervous system, bones and muscles. Taking these tablets is safe, because the composition is all-natural, for example, iodine from brown seaweed collected by hand, blueberries, raspberries, and so on. It is also convenient to take – just once a day with a meal. The price does not bite – $41 for 4 months. That is only $10 a month.

Garden of Life, Vitamin Code

There is an option for both women, men, older adults. I advise you to pay your attention to this reliable manufacturer. It makes preparations from unprocessed whole foods. It is in this complex that, in addition to vitamins, it is distinguished from others by the presence of probiotics and enzymes such as lipase, protease, glucanase, cellulase, bromelain, phytase, lactase, papain, peptidase, pectinase, hemicellulase, xylanase. Probiotics are very important to our body, because health begins with the gut. Read an article about the best probiotics on Iherb. This complex is worthy of your attention because it has Non-GMO Project Verified and B-Corp certificates, which confirm the environmental friendliness and safety of the ingredients. The price is $39 for 120 capsules, which is enough for a month. Not cheap, of course, but the quality is excellent.

In this review of the top vitamins on Iherb I told you about the best and proven products to support the whole body. Choose for yourself, your husband, children and older adults – the range is huge and everyone will find something to their liking. Use promo code for iHerb FIW102. And don’t forget that the right thing to do is to take vitamins as prescribed by your doctor and after taking tests for the best results.

You can check here the complete range of multivitamins (over 830 products) at iherb.

IHerb Multivitamins

Comments: 6
  1. Bagheera 

    If you knew how bad I felt before iherb multivitamin. I don’t have a lot of money to do expensive tests. But I clearly understood that with my poor diet, lack of vegetables naturally my vitamin levels are definitely not normal. So I chose a complex of vitamins which contains all the supplements for my health. Life Extension has worked wonders for me! I came back to life! In two months, I have changed a lot. Not only did I feel good, but my skin and hair also thanked me and got much more beautiful. So, I recommend it to everyone!

  2. Olivia 

    I read the best multivitamin iherb review and chose Garden of Life because it was on sale. It turned out to be quite inexpensive. I hope to not only feel better but also be more beautiful. As I have a very grey complexion now and a tired look(

  3. Sara 

    If you take iherb 2 per day then don’t be frightened by the bright yellow color of your urine! I was scared at first and ran to read the forums)))) it turns out that this is how vitamin B is excreted. This is normal!) Suddenly I was useful to someone))))

  4. Daisy 

    Six months ago, my hair began to fall out very badly, I felt constant sadness and melancholy, and once I even fainted. Then I decided to take a vitamin complex. A friend advised iherb two per day. At one time they helped her. So I hoped that they would help me too. But what was my surprise when after a month and a half, I became a different person. First of all, I had a better schedule, I began to wake up at 8 a.m. instead of 1 p.m. Secondly, I had more energy and no longer felt dizzy. Third, I stopped losing my hair. Therefore, I recommend this complex.

  5. Adam 

    I have old parents and you can’t make them go get tested. So twice a year I give them iherb multi vitamin to keep them healthy. They of course do not like to drink different pills, but from 2 per day really gain strength. I myself sometimes take them.

  6. Rina 

    I always took iherb multivitamins. But then I realized that all my deficiency states are gone and that I only need vitamin d on a regular basis. I also take vitamin C and zinc if I get sick.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Potential benefits of berberine


There are a plethora of over-the-counter supplements filled with promises of better health. But one in particular stands out from the rest:  berberine .

Based on the attention it's been getting recently, it may seem like berberine just crashed onto the supplement scene. But it's far from new.

Typically used in traditional Chinese medicine, the natural supplement is a yellow compound found in the roots, rhizomes, and stem barks of many plant species, including goldthread, Oregon grape, and barberry.

The bright yellow compound, which is a class of isoquinoline alkaloids, is getting lots of buzz for its potential health benefits.

It has a cholesterol-lowering effect, which may help prevent heart disease. And it has the potential to help lower blood sugar, which may help prevent type 2 diabetes and manage other types of diabetes.

Berberine  may even help fight cancer, improve symptoms of ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome, and more.

Here's everything you need to know about berberine and its potential health benefits.

Potential benefits of berberine

It's no wonder berberine has stood the test of time. It's a promising treatment for a variety of health foods.

“Berberine is also quite antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, and it is used to treat bacteria, fungus, parasites, viruses, and other microbes,” says Rosia Parrish, a licensed naturopathic doctor and functional medicine specialist at Boulder Natural Health in Boulder, Colorado .

Because it has antimicrobial properties, berberine has an effect on the digestive tract.

“Plus, it helps with bile and bilirubin secretion,” says Parrish. Bile is a fluid released from the liver to aid in digestion. The waste product bilirubin is a pigment found in bile.

Lower blood sugar

One in 10 people in the United States has diabetes, 90 to 95 percent of whom have type 2.

Recent studies on the potential health effects of  berberine  have caught the attention of health care professionals and people looking for natural ways to treat diabetes.

“It seems that berberine may slightly reduce blood glucose levels and may be as effective as [the diabetes drug] metformin,” says Dana Hunnes, a senior dietitian at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center and professor at the Fielding School of Public Health in Los Angeles.

In a 2018  Oncotarget  review, researchers found berberine could be an effective treatment for people with type 2 diabetes. Its blood sugar-lowering effects, they wrote, were comparable to metformin, a common drug prescribed to regulate high blood sugar.

An earlier meta-analysis found  berberine  to be just as potent a glucose-lowering therapy as prescription meds like Avandia and Glucotrol.

Take all of this with a grain of salt, though. Many of the studies on berberine and diabetes are reviews of previously published studies, not randomized, controlled trials that put berberine head to head with a diabetes medication. The few studies we do have are fairly small, so it's hard to say for sure whether the supplement can really help.

More research is needed, but the researchers say a combination of berberine and metformin might allow a reduction in the dosage of each drug and have fewer side effects from using one or the other drug.

Before you try berberine, you'll need to talk to your doctor—especially if you take insulin. You want to be sure you don't experience low blood sugar as a result.

Lower cholesterol

Heart disease  is the leading cause of death in the United States, and high cholesterol is a major culprit.

When fatty deposits build up from high cholesterol, they can cause  clogged arteries  and impede blood flow to the heart and body. Lowering cholesterol assists in fighting heart disease.

Studies have shown that berberine can help reduce cholesterol levels in some individuals.

In a study in  Phytomedicine , obese participants were given 500 milligrams of berberine three times a day for 12 weeks. The results revealed a reduction in blood lipid levels and mild weight loss.

This is just one study, of course. Researchers will need to conduct more human studies to determine whether the supplement can really lower cholesterol. But it's a promising sign that berberine may help you keep your ticker healthy.

For people who don't tolerate statins, the most common type of drug for treating high cholesterol, berberine may be a safe alternative to consider.

Prevent recurring UTIs and cystitis

Berberine might help women avoid the pain and burning of  recurring urinary tract infections  (UTIs) and bladder inflammation known as cystitis.

“I typically use it for infections, including urinary tract infections and cystitis,” says Parrish.

In a 2018 randomized controlled trial, published in the  Journal of Chemotherapy , a combination of different plant extracts (including  berberine ) was used to evaluate the effectiveness in preventing the recurrence of UTIs. Group A received berberine, arbutin, and birch.

Meanwhile, Group B got berberine, arbutin, birch, and forskolin. Group C received proanthocyanidins, plant compounds that researchers believe are responsible for cranberry juice's ability to treat UTIs.

Participants in the groups A and B had a lower number of recurrent cystitis during treatment and follow-up, with a lower median bacterial load than the Group C.

Lose weight

Maintaining a healthy weight protects us from heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke,  osteoarthritis , and certain types of cancer. Berberine may help with weight loss and assist in shrinking belly fat.

In a small study published in the journal   Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine , 37 men and women with metabolic syndrome took 300 milligrams of berberine three times a day for three months.

At the end of the study, their body mass indexes (BMIs) dropped from an obese range to an overweight range. They also lost an average of two inches around their waists.

Again, this study had limitations, including its small sample size. Further research is needed, particularly with larger groups, to validate the findings.

Overweight or obese people may want to try berberine in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regimen to enhance weight loss. Just know that you won't be able to pop a supplement and  lose the weight quickly .

Find digestive relief

The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial aspects of  berberine  may support the gut microbiome of people with gastrointestinal ailments, diarrhea, and bacterial overgrowth due to irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and other inflammatory bowel diseases.

In a randomized, placebo-controlled study published in  Phytotherapy Research , patients with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome took 400 milligrams of berberine a day for eight weeks, resulting in improvements in diarrhea frequency and urgency, and abdominal pain.

Parrish says she prescribes berberine for digestive microbial imbalances when treating small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or pathogenic digestive bacteria.

May help prevent certain cancers

Supplemental berberine might reduce colorectal polyps, according to a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial published in 2020 in  The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology .

The study included nearly 900 people in China between the ages of 18 to 75 who had polyps removed during a colonoscopy. (Most intestinal polyps are benign, but some can become cancerous.)

After the procedure, the people were randomly assigned to take 300 milligrams of berberine twice daily or a placebo, and followed up one and two years later.

None of the participants developed colorectal cancer during the study, but those taking berberine had fewer recurrent polyps (36 percent) compared with placebo takers (47 percent).

According to the researchers,  berberine  could be a low-cost and safe option to help prevent colorectal cancer. Also, no serious side effects were reported.

How do people use berberine?

Berberine is available as an extract and in powder or capsule form. (Parrish prefers the capsules.)

Most of the time, berberine supplements include other botanicals and herbs aimed at treating a given condition. For example, people with diabetes might buy a berberine supplement with  cinnamon , which has been associated with lowering blood sugar.

“Many herbs have synergistic effects when taken together, so I may use more than one ingredient to create a botanical supplement blend,” Parrish says.

Numerous studies on  berberine  cite dosages between 900 to 1,500 milligrams per day. Typically, the dosage is 500 milligrams, three times per day.

Click here  to see iHerb's selection of Berberine products. New to iHerb? Use Coupon Code FIW102 to get $10 off any first time order.

Best Collagen on iHerb – Top 4 Supplements


Best Collagen on iHerb

In this article, I will review the best collagen supplements from iHerb. Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body. It performs a number of very important functions, including giving structure to our skin and helping the blood to clot. It has recently become popular to take it as a health and beauty supplement. There are a huge number of products on the market right now, but not all of them are effective.

What kind of collagen to drink?

what collagen to drink?

There are 16 types of collagen. The four main types are types I, II, III and IV.

  • Type I. This type makes up 90% of our body. It provides the structure of skin, bones, tendons, cartilage, and teeth.
  • Type II. This type consists of loose fibers and is found in the elastic cartilage that softens the joints.
  • Type III. This type supports muscles, organs, and arteries.
  • Type IV. This type helps with filtration and is in the layers of skin.
  • Type II is good for joints, but if you need to remove wrinkles, Type I and III can do it.

There are many studies that prove the benefits of collagen or on the contrary trash it, proving that it is not absorbed and does not help in any way. But still more and more people, especially women, begin to drink it and see the result on their skin. In Japan, every other woman drinks collagen. And as we can see Japanese women look very young. I also did not believe in its benefits, until I tried it myself. After six months of regular supplementation with amino acids I have seen a difference in my skin – wrinkles, especially on the forehead have disappeared somewhere, the skin is soft all over the body, I already forgot how it is to apply cream to my feet and hands, which suffered from constant dryness. I can definitely say that the decision to buy collagen from Aicherb was the most reasonable and correct all year.

Types of collagen on Iherb

Types of collagen

Marine collagen, also called fish collagen, is made from the skin and scales of deep sea fish. It is considered to have a very high bioavailability, i.e. it is better absorbed through the intestinal walls. There is also collagen of animal origin, which is made from the bones and skin of animals. I drank both types. I didn’t see any difference between them. They both help. It is best to buy collagen in a powder, as it is much more profitable. It is correct to drink in the morning on an empty stomach, I pour regular water, you can also stir it in juice. Juice helps the amino acids absorb better because it contains more vitamin C. But if you stir in water, drink an extra vitamin C capsule if it is not in the collagen powder.

Which collagen to buy on iHerb? Review and rating of the best supplements

California Gold Nutrition, CollagenUP, Unflavored

collagen iherb

This supplement from California Gold Nutrition contains not only marine collagen peptides, but also hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. There are 18 different amino acids in one serving, such as Glycine, Tyrosine, Lysine, Leucine and others. I took this complex for 4 months, and in that time I saw results not only on my skin, but also on my joints – my legs stopped hurting and pulling at the weather. Facial wrinkles have not completely smoothed out, but one large wrinkle on my forehead has become much smaller. The price for collagen powder on iHerb is $20, which is enough for 2 months of daily supplementation. I think if you have not yet drank any collagen, you can start with California Gold. You will definitely see the result!

Sports Research, Collagen Peptides, Hydrolyzed Type I & III Collagen

collagen top

My favorite and I think the best hydrolyzed collagen from Eicherb. Importantly, it’s type 1 and type 3, which means it will work for the skin’s benefit. Of course, it goes to help the joints too, but it solves more of the problems of wrinkles and dry skin. I drink it all the time. It does not contain vitamin C, so you need to buy it separately. The price is $32 for 41 servings. Not cheap, of course, but it is worth every penny. Plus, don’t forget to read about discounts iHerb and enter promo code EVH0057 for maximum benefits.

Vital Proteins, Collagen Peptides

collagen peptides

Collagen from Vital Proteins is made from the skin of grass-fed cattle. It contains Glutamic Acid, Hydroxylysine, Serine, Valine and other important amino acids. This product is great for the joints, my mother, after taking it for 2 months, she noticed that the joints stopped crunching. It also works very well on wrinkles, as well as hair and nails. My hair growth at my standard growth of 1 cm per month increased to 1.6 cm as well as they stopped falling out and my nails became strong. I really like this collagen powder from iHerb, except the price in my opinion is not cheap – $50 for 28 servings. You should agree that it is not a lot. But if this does not bother you, and you do not know what good collagen to buy on iHerb, then take this one, you will not regret it.

Neocell, Super Collagen + C

Neocell collagen

The only collagen in tablets on iHerb that I’ve had. I generally take a lot of vitamins, like vitamin D, C, liver complexes, and others. I’m honestly a little tired of shoving a lot of capsules in, so if there’s an option to buy collagen in a powder without the shell, I’ll choose that. But if capsules are the only thing that works for you, Super Collagen is great for you. I like that it has type one and type three collagen in it, which means that it will not only help your joints, but also your skin, hair, and nails. The great thing is that the capsule already has vitamin c in it, you don’t have to take it additionally. The serving size of as many as 6 pills, so it is advantageous to take a large jar with 360 capsules. Its price is quite budget-friendly – $31, and with promo code EVH0057 will be even cheaper.

You can check here the complete range of Collagen (over 412 products) at iherb.

IHerb Collagen

Comments: 8
  1. Mila 

    I am a vegetarian. That’s why I don’t get the right substances from meat. It would be very good to drink bone broth for the joints, but it’s not vegan. So I found a way to help myself be beautiful and healthy without harming animals. The solution is marine collagen iherb. It can be drunk by vegans and is just as good as regular.

  2. Naomi 

    To keep my face taut and saggy I take collagen peptides iherb. I take them all the time, without any interruptions. My doctor allowed me to do this, because I am 35 years old and my own collagen is poorly produced.

  3. Tami Andrews 

    For my joints, collagen type 2 iherb works best for me. My knees have stopped hurting. My joints no longer crunch all the time like they used to. I actually read that crunching your fingers every day is bad for you.

  4. Linda 

    Thanks to your iherb collagen review I bought the best powder. Before, I couldn’t even drink it, it tasted so disgusting. But from Sports Research I am delighted. It has no taste whatsoever. I can eat it by the spoonful) But most often I add it to coffee.

  5. Karla 

    I always buy collagen iherb. It works best for me. My wrinkles have already been resolved. But it’s far from perfect, it takes a long time, probably a year for sure. I took it for 3 months, but I still saw the effect.

  6. Mariana 

    I can take iherb collagen powder. I add a spoonful to my coffee and drink it in peace. It almost doesn’t change the taste of the coffee. Of course, it is more convenient to drink in capsules, but it is much more profitable to buy in powder.

  7. Tiara 

    What a pity that I used to read articles that collagen is not absorbed in the body and that you should not take it! I believed it! But then I saw my friend and she became a few years younger. I asked her what she was doing, and she told me that she just drinks collagen supplement iherb. I immediately bought it. And what do you think? In a few months my forehead wrinkle was gone. I will drink it now always and I advise you

  8. Ella 

    Collagen type 1 and 3 iherb helps my skin look tight and beautiful. My face glows from the inside out. I don’t get this effect from the 2 types. Probably because it has more effect on my joints. And they are fine for now, so I am going to use this look when I am older.

Monday, June 15, 2020