
Friday, March 24, 2017

A natural approach to indigestion

A rational approach to indigestion
The term indigestion is often used to describe heartburn as well as feelings of gas or bloating after eating, stomach pains, or fullness in the abdomen. Medical terms used to describe indigestion include functional dyspepsia (FD), gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), and non-ulcer dyspepsia (NUD).
These are among the most common complaints in North America, and yet several review articles have concluded that “the efficacy of current drugs on the market is limited at best.” The most popular of these drugs are acid blockers, which work by impeding one of the body’s most important digestive processes—the secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCl) by the stomach.

Bad Block
In the digestive process, stomach acid initiates protein digestion, plus it ionizes minerals and other nutrients for enhanced absorption. Without sufficient secretion of HCl in the stomach, the pancreas doesn’t get the signal to secrete its digestive enzymes. But the manufacture and secretion of stomach acid isn’t just important for digestion. It also helps protect the body from invasion. Stomach secretions can neutralize bacteria, viruses, and molds before they
can cause gastrointestinal infection. So you can see just how much potential harm acid-blocking drugs can cause.

The Natural Approach
With chronic indigestion, the rational approach is to focus on aiding digestion rather than blocking the digestive process with antacids. Indigestion can be attributed to a great many causes, including both increased secretion of acid and decreased secretion of acid. In fact, most nutrition-oriented physicians believe that lack of acid—not excess acid—is the true culprit in many cases.
The first step is to eliminate common causes of GERD/NUD, including overeating, obesity, coffee, tomatoes, citrus fruit, chocolate, fried foods, carbonated beverages, tobacco, and alcohol. In many cases, simply eliminating or reducing these irritants is all that’s necessary to relieve GERD/NUD. Other tips include decreasing portion size at mealtime, chewing food thoroughly, eating leisurely in a relaxed atmosphere, and not eating within two hours of bedtime.
HCI supplementation can produce relief for many. Typically, when heartburn, abdominal bloating and discomfort, and gas occur within 15—30 minutes after eating, a lack of HCl is the cause. If such symptoms occur after 45 minutes, it’s usually a sign of lack of pancreatic enzymes. Keep in mind that pancreatic enzyme secretion is triggered by HCl in the stomach. So taking HCl can lead to improved release of pancreatic enzymes sometimes.
Digestive enzymes are the most effective treatment for pancreatic insufficiency. I have found the best results with multi-enzymes from vegetarian sources. They have a broader range of activity. Follow label directions for dosage.

More Natural Ways to Ease Heartburn and Acid Reflux
There are many promising, yet little-known, natural solutions to heartburn. The following are just a few that may offer help.
  • Try a product with zinc and L-carnosine: This particular combination has been shown to protect and soothe the gastric mucosal lining.
  • Chew DGL wafers: This specific form of the herb licorice has been shown to be highly effective at decreasing acid reflux, heartburn,
    and even ulcers.
  • Drink aloe vera juice: The juice of the aloe plant has a healing effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Sip chamomile tea after meals: It has been shown to help reduce esophageal irritation.
  • Make chewable papaya enzymes your after-dinner “mint” of choice: The enzymes in papaya naturally help quell digestive upset.
  • Try eliminating gluten from your diet: Some people find that their heartburn and acid reflux disappear after they stop eating gluten.

YOU can find all supplements from article at IHERB.COM