
Monday, May 1, 2017

3 Aminos for Sports Performance

Amino acids, long known as the building blocks of protein, may also be the critical nutrients in helping build athletes. Sports training promotes both muscle synthesis and muscle breakdown, explains Nanna Meyer, RD, PhD, an assistant professor in the Sport Nutrition Graduate Program at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs who works with elite athletes. Proper nutritional support, however, can ensure that the net result is positive—that there’s more muscle buildup than breakdown. “Strength results out of muscle, and then sports-specific performance follows,” Meyer says.

But to build muscle, you need protein. “Athletes in general need about double the amount of protein in their diets as non-athletes,” and it must include all the essential amino acids (those your body can’t produce on its own), Meyer says. Only a handful of foods—such as dairy, soy and quinoa—do, and many people have intolerances or allergies to those proteins.
For such people—or for those who want to spark protein synthesis with less caloric input—amino acid supplements may be the way to go, according to Amanda Carlson-Phillips, a registered dietitian and the vice president of nutrition and research for Athletes’ Performance, a Phoenix-based training, nutrition and physical therapy center for elite and professional athletes. And once basic protein needs for healthy metabolism are met, “certain amino acids can help to augment performance,” she says. In fact, recent research has athletes pumped up about the ability of a handful of specific aminos to increase muscle, strength and endurance. Here are the top three.
Leucine – Branched-chain amino acids (so called because of their molecular structure) have been popular among athletes since the 1990s, primarily for their potential to promote endurance and minimize delayed-onset muscle soreness, but leucine is the only one of the three types that has consistently proven its effectiveness in clinical studies. “It’s sort of the igniter of protein synthesis,” Meyer says. A U.S. Army study published in the September 2011 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that athletes who took leucine-enriched supplements of essential amino acids (EAAs) during aerobic exercise had 33 percent more muscle synthesis than those who took a more generic EAA formula. Leucine also seems to help muscle recovery after exercise: A study published in April 2011 in Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism showed that cyclists who ingested leucine-rich nutrition after two or more hours of training were able to sprint the next day with greater power than those who received standard nutrition.*
Beta-alanine – This amino acid increases the amount of carnosine present in muscle; carnosine, in turn, buffers hydrogen ions—waste products of exercise that are responsible for pain and muscle fatigue. “You can work out for longer without pain,” Meyer says. Indeed, a wealth of research supports this notion, and a July 2012 review of 15 studies concluded that beta-alanine helps improve exercise capacity by a median of 2.85 percent, particularly in endurance events. Still, Carlson-Phillips cautions athletes not to expect overnight results. “It’ll take anywhere from four to six weeks to build up in the muscle,” she says. And while beta-alanine isn’t typically regarded as an aid to speed or strength, one study found that it did increase punch force and frequency in amateur boxers, while another found that rowers who took beta-alanine supplements were several seconds faster than those who took a sham supplement.*
Citrulline malate – Technically, citrulline malate is not an amino acid, but is produced as a result of a metabolic reaction involving the amino acid ornithine. Unlike the amino acids described above, citrulline malate does its best work during anaerobic activity. A 2010 Spanish study found that men doing bench presses were able to perform nearly 53 percent more repetitions and had 40 percent less muscle soreness after taking citrulline malate. In addition, citrulline malate supplements appear to.*
Despite the impressive potential of amino acid supplements, Carlson-Phillips reminds the athletes she works with to get as much support as possible from diet first. “I think amino acids do fit a role in helping people optimize their health and their performance. We always look at: ‘What are my needs? What are my goals, and what am I getting from my food?’ Then, we can match the right amino acids with those goals.”

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Spring Detox: 5 Cleansing Kits

Spring is in the air, and you’ve already begun cleaning and organizing your home. Perhaps you’ve even started tending your garden. After all, it’s the season of renewal. So why not give your body and all its hard-working systems a much-needed refresh, too?

Spring into Wellness

Of course, the body detoxes naturally on its own. But there’s no harm in helping the process along. If you, like many, want to give your organs and organ systems a little seasonal pick-me-up, following are five whole body cleanses designed to help you eliminate harmful toxins and achieve optimum health and wellness:

Voted “America’s #1 internal cleanse,” this comprehensive 30-day program “provides targeted support for each of the seven channels of elimination.” These “channels,” which are designed to remove toxins from your body, include the liver, lungs, lymphatic system, kidneys, skin, blood and bowel.

How it works: You will take capsules daily.
Free of artificial ingredients, GMOs, wheat, soy, yeast, sugar, salt, dairy, animal products, binders and fillers.

This easy-to-use, “tried and truthful” seven-day whole-body cleansing kit is designed to aid in digestion and help clean your intestinal tract. Bonus: it can also help decrease your appetite!
How it works: You will take tablets and easy-to-mix Super Defense Food™ Powder daily. Please note that the manufacturer recommends consuming at least eight glasses of water per day, increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables and decreasing your consumption of dairy, processed foods and meats during this cleanse.
Free of artificial ingredients, wheat, corn, soy, yeast, starch, dairy and gluten.

Want to ”feel lighter, revitalized and in control of your health?” This complete 10-day cleansing system rids the body of potentially harmful toxins and weight and “restores regularity and digestive balance.” Plus, it contains beneficial probiotics.
How it works: You will take tablets and capsules daily.
Free of wheat, sugar, yeast and artificial coloring, flavoring and preservatives.

Formulated solely with organic herbs, this 7-day total body rejuvenating cleanse promotes daily bowel regularity. The three-part treatment aims to “detoxify, sequester and eliminate” impurities by focusing on the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, neuromuscular system, liver, lymphatic system, kidneys, blood and lungs (a.k.a., the “nine vital factors of healthy elimination”).
How it works: You will take capsules daily.
Free of gluten and animal products.

This revolutionary cleanse is “scientifically formulated to promote gastrointestinal health and complete nutritional support for your body as it goes through the detoxification process.” Better still, after finishing the week-long, two-step process “most people feel energized, have an increased sense of well-being, have shed some pounds and have taken vital steps toward insuring good health,” according to the manufacturer.
How it works: You will take capsules, tablets and RevitalX® powder daily. Please note that the manufacturer recommends consuming at least eight glasses of water or herbal tea per day and increasing your intake of fruits and raw/steamed vegetables during this cleanse.
Free of gluten, yeast and artificial colors and sweeteners. Low allergy potential!

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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Mocha Chip Protein Cookies

Have a cookie – your next workout depends on it. To feel fully recovered from one workout to the next, you know protein powder – and its mighty branched chain amino acids – is an essential component. But you don’t always have to sip it. You can bite, chew and treat yourself to a post-exercise cookie that provides more than any other dessert. This batch is founded on a plant-based protein that offers body-loving nutrients, like glutamine, tart cherry, turmeric and even probiotics. By savoring a moment of chocolate and mocha now, you’ll be ready for whatever lies ahead.

Mocha Chip Protein Cookies

Makes about 30 small cookies
1-1/2 cups oats
2 scoops Vega Sport Protein Powder
½ c. cacao powder
1-1/4 tsp. stevia (or 6 packets)
¾ c. almond butter (or chocolate sunflower butter)
1-1/4 c. unsweetened almond milk
½ c. cacao nibs
1 tsp. sea salt
  1. In a food processor, grind oats into a flour-like consistency.
  2. Add all remaining ingredients and process on low (or dough setting) until smooth and well combined.
  3. Using a spoon, scoop about 1 – 2 tablespoons of batter and roll into a ball. You can leave in ball form or flatten into cookies.
  4. Place in an airtight container and store in fridge overnight before eating. Keep refrigerated.

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Power of Probiotics

I haven’t always been a fan of yogurt—except maybe the frozen kind that comes in a sugar cone. But in the last decade or so I’ve made a point of expanding my health horizons and now include it in my diet. Why? Surely you’ve heard by now that in addition to being a nice, low-fat, any-time-of-day snack, yogurt contains probiotics—or live microorganisms that play a part in health.

Years ago, the idea of ingesting bacteria may have caused me, or you, to raise an eyebrow. After all, these little bugs are the reason we use hand sanitizer, wipe down countertops and avoid door handles in public restrooms. Right? Not so fast.
It turns out our bodies naturally host hundreds of bacterial species, with trillions of microorganisms inhabiting a normal intestinal tract. Sometimes called “friendly flora,” these microscopic residents aren’t harmful. In fact, they’re known to lend a hand with a variety of important body functions, from aiding digestion to supporting immune system health.*
Why take probiotic supplements?
Knowing that some gut bacteria are beneficial, it makes sense to want to support healthy, thriving colonies within our bodies. But a number of things—travel, poor diet, stress and certain medications, just to name a few—can disrupt levels, potentially offsetting the natural balance between “good” and “bad” microorganisms that naturally populate the digestive tract.
While eating probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt (other options include kefir, miso, tempeh and sauerkraut) is an ideal way to support beneficial bacteria levels in the body, supplements can also help.* I don’t know about you, but I can only consume so many spoonfuls of yogurt before it becomes a chore—which is why California Gold Nutrition, LactoBif Probiotics is part of my regular supplement regimen.
How to choose a probiotic supplement
Choosing a probiotic supplement isn’t always easy, with strange names and confusing numbers to decipher on product labels. 
Daily Essentials: For those who already include a good amount of probiotic-rich foods in their diet but want extra daily support, California Gold Nutrition, LactoBif Probiotics, 5 Billion CFU may be a good fit. It delivers eight different strains of microorganisms and 5 billion colony forming units (CFUs) per serving.
Advanced Support: Maybe your diet is less than stellar, you travel frequently or stress seems to show up more often than you’d like. An advanced formula, such as Garden of Life Primal Defense Ultra, could be right for you. It contains 15 billion CFUs, plus 13 species of beneficial cultures including soil-based probiotics called homeostatic soil organisms (HSOs).
Supreme Support: For a potent probiotic punch, ideal for those with more adventurous diets or if you’ve taken antibiotics recently, Vitacost Renew Life, Ultimate Flora, Ultra Potent, 100 Billion, supplies 12 strains, 100 billion CFUs.
Specialty Formulas: Age, additional lifestyle factors and specialty diets call for specifically targeted formulas, like Renew Life, Ultimate Flora, Senior Formula, 30 Billion – a non-dairy probiotic supplement that offers 30 billion CFUs of 10 well-known probiotic strains. It’s the perfect formula for ages 50 and up.
Balance is a beautiful thing. Let probiotic supplements help you achieve it. To start your search for a Probiotics formula now, click here.

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