
Saturday, November 5, 2016

Carnivor Bioengineered Beef Protein Isolate!



It has long been known that bodybuilders and strength athletes consume high amounts of beef to help build muscle and increase strength. The muscle building power of beef cannot be disputed. Ask most any bodybuilder and they will tell you that they make their biggest muscle gains and feel their strongest when they eat beef. Now, thanks to the development of an advanced bioengineered beef protein, MuscleMeds has formulated a highly anabolic muscle building protein. CARNIVOR is unlike any other protein supplement in existence. CARNIVOR was the first beef protein on the market and continues to be the #1 selling Beef Protein Isolate on the planet!

The Muscle Building Power of CARNIVOR – Backed By Research+

New research substantiates what you knew all along… Beef builds muscle and strength! A groundbreaking clinical study presented at the 2015 International Society of Sport Nutrition (ISSN) conference in Austin, Texas showed that hard training athletes supplementing with CARNIVOR Beef Protein Isolate (BPI) gained an average of 7.7 lbs. of muscle mass, while also increasing strength. Researchers gave test subjects CARNIVOR Beef Protein Isolate daily for 8 weeks while exercising 5 days weekly. Athletes taking CARNIVOR BPI experienced an impressive 6.4% averageincrease in lean body mass. In contrast, the placebo groupdid not significantly improvetheir body mass from baseline.

The study also showed that CARNIVOR BPI supplement-ation significantly increased deadlift and bench press strength over baseline. Test subjects increased their average bench press 1-rep max by over 45 lbs., while increasing their deadlift strength by over 90 lbs – a 20% increase in total body strength. These impressive clinical findings clearly validate the muscle and strength building power of CARNIVOR Beef Protein Isolate.
+Sharp, et al., 2015 ISSN International Conference [Poster]. Muscle mass data based on male subjects. Weight gains comparedto baseline. Based on 2 scoops (46 grams protein) daily. Female subjects also experienced an increase in lean body mass.

The World’s #1 Selling Pure Beef Protein Is More Concentrated Than Whey

Using new advanced extraction, clarification, hydrolysis and isolation technologies, CARNIVOR’s Beef Protein Isolate delivers the muscle building power of beef with greater amino acid levels than other protein sources used in supplements, including whey, soy, milk and egg. CARNIVOR Beef Protein Isolate (BPI) is even 350% more concentrated in anabolic muscle building aminos than a prime sirloin steak! And it contains no fat or cholesterol!

Anabolic Nitrogen Retention Technology™ (ANRT) Recycles Aminos and Minimizes Ammonia

ANRT is a major muscle building breakthrough in protein supplementation. While protein is critical for muscle growth, it can sometimes actually decrease performance and muscle growth if nitrogenous waste products like ammonia are not recycled back into anabolic tissue building pathways or otherwise neutralized. ANRT is specially designed to allow the recycling of aminos back toward the muscle building pathway and prevent the build-up of debilitating toxins such as ammonia. ANRT nitrogen retention factors contained in CARNIVOR include GKG (glutamine-alpha-ketoglutarate), OKG (ornithine-alpha-ketoglutarate), AKG (alpha-ketoglutarate) and KIC (alpha-ketoisocaproate).

20 Times the Creatine Content of Steak

One of the benefits of eating beef is its naturally high creatine content. Beef is one of the best natural sources of creatine. To push the anabolic activation and cell volumizing effects of creatine even greater, each serving of CARNIVOR supplies 20 times more creatine than whole beef food sources to help saturate your muscles for explosive strength and growth.

Added BCAAs for Increased Anabolic and Anti-Catabolic Effects

To further boost the anabolic muscle building action of CARNIVOR, additional Branched Chain Amino Acids are added to the purified Beef Protein Isolate. The enhanced BCAA levels promote a positive nitrogen balance, increase protein synthesis, decrease catabolism, improve workout performance and reduce muscle fatigue.

Beef Builds Muscle!

Throughout history, the ravenous appetite that “men of muscle” have for top quality beef has become as legendary as their superhuman feats. Now, in modern times this muscle building nutrition tradition carries on in the bodybuilding world with CARNIVOR – the only Beef Protein Isolate that’s research tested to help you build muscle mass and strength!



MuscleMeds reveals the exciting behind-the-scene developments of their revolutionary scientific breakthroughs in Protein Supplement technology, which led to the invention of the world’s first pharmaceutical grade beef protein isolate supplement – CARNIVOR. It all started when the MuscleMeds Research Team embarked on their ambitious research project to develop the most concentrated beef protein isolate supplement ever created. Scientists have established that when designing protein products, a major objective is to take high protein content foods and apply advanced processing technologies to improve the bioavailability and functionality of the constituent proteins. Similar processing technologies have been used for soy, milk, egg and whey. However, even in light of these marvelous landmark developments, at best whey protein isolates used in protein sports nutrition products achieve only a 90% level of purity.
As a result of the monumental MuscleMeds beef protein isolate project, new technological breakthroughs were developed that enabled MuscleMeds to harness the awesome muscle building power of beef in a 99% pure pharmaceutical grade protein supplement. This proprietary 6-step process is explained in detail below.


CARNIVOR is made with pure Beef Protein Isolate (BPI) that is derived from an advanced hydrolysis process. This process is intricately designed to yield a delicious, easy-to-digest and highly bioavailable concentrated pure Beef Protein Isolate, while removing all the fat and cholesterol. An advanced team of MuscleMeds experts employs a highly controlled proprietary 6-stage process in the production of pure BPI found exclusively in delicious CARNIVOR.
This 6-stage process includes the following steps:
  1. Particle Reduction Cycle: The first step is to selectively obtain all the “good stuff” (protein, amino acids) from the beef while leaving the “bad stuff” (fat, cholesterol)behind. This is done through a delicate Particle Reduction Cycle, which improves theprotein extraction.
  2. Thermal Hydrolysis: Next, the beef goes through Thermal Hydrolysis to obtain the desired “pre-digested” hydrolyzed beef protein isolate (BPI).
  3. Cold Filtration Process: The BPI then goes through another cold filtration process to remove anything else except the pure protein we are looking for.
  4. Low Temperature Evaporation: This process maintains the integrity of the protein and amino acids, while removing excess moisture and achieving an “instant powder” that you can mix with anything.
  5. Spray Drying: This is a key process often overlooked. This is also done at a low temperature to maintain as much of the “natural” components of the beef as possible and to improve the digestibility of the powder.
  6. Test Process: Finally, the BPI goes through a rigorous testing process and is USDA approved to ensure it’s the highest purity and quality.